The Last Guide – Documentary from the CBC

I came across this fascinating documentary from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) featuring the last full time guide in the iconic Algonquin Park. I had to share it with all of you.

“Meet Frank Kuiack, the last traditional fishing guide in Algonquin Park. Kuiack carries a lifetime of stories and wisdom about the Algonquin. His magnetic personality, skills on the water and knowledge of the park’s intricate lakes and trails has inspired two novels. When Kuiack was eight-years-old, a group of American anglers offered him $5 to show them where to catch fish — and he’s been making his living as a fishing guide ever since. At 84-years-old and recently diagnosed with bone cancer, Frank’s health has taken a turn for the worse. While he’s attempted to train guides over the years and pass on his knowledge, the physically demanding nature of the job has turned away most potential apprentices. Kuiack’s niece, Sharleen, has shown a unique ability to go toe-to-toe with Frank on the water but, despite her ability and love for her uncle, she remains unsure how to carry on his legacy or whether she desires to be the next “Last Guide.” Additional footage provided by: Gentec International/Sigma Canada” – CBC Docs

For myself and many other Canadians, Algonquin Park holds a special place in our hearts. Growing up in Ontario, we spent many summers canoeing and camping at this park. In 2014, my brother and I made a journey back home to do a week long canoe trip. I can’t believe that’s been 10 years now at that this point! As the kids get older and older, I’m starting to feel the itch once again to get back home. Hope you all enjoy.

In 2014, my brother and I did a 7 day loop to Big Trout Lake in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. It was actually this trip that sparked my interest in creating this blog!

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